Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда singularity: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Manage Singularity containers and images.

  • Download a remote image from Sylabs Cloud:

singularity pull --name {{image.sif}} {{library://godlovedc/funny/lolcow:latest}}

  • Rebuild a remote image using latest Singularity image format:

singularity build {{image.sif}} {{docker://godlovedc/lolcow}}

  • Start a container from an image and get a shell inside of it:

singularity shell {{image.sif}}

  • Start a container from an image and run a command:

singularity exec {{image.sif}} {{command}}

  • Start a container from an image and execute the internal runscript:

singularity run {{image.sif}}

  • Build a singularity image from a recipe file:

sudo singularity build {{image.sif}} {{recipe}}

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