Preprocess and compile Fortran source files, then assemble and link them together. More information:
- Compile multiple source files into an executable:
gfortran {{path/to/source1.f90 path/to/source2.f90 ...}} -o {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Show common warnings, debug symbols in output, and optimize without affecting debugging:
gfortran {{path/to/source.f90}} -Wall -g -Og -o {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Include libraries from a different path:
gfortran {{path/to/source.f90}} -o {{path/to/output_executable}} -I{{path/to/mod_and_include}} -L{{path/to/library}} -l{{library_name}}
- Compile source code into Assembler instructions:
gfortran -S {{path/to/source.f90}}
- Compile source code into an object file without linking:
gfortran -c {{path/to/source.f90}}