Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда comby: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Tool for structural code search and replace that supports many languages. More information: https://github.com/comby-tools/comby.

  • Match and rewrite templates, and print changes:

comby '{{assert_eq!(:[a], :[b])}}' '{{assert_eq!(:[b], :[a])}}' {{.rs}}

  • Match and rewrite with rewrite properties:

comby '{{assert_eq!(:[a], :[b])}}' '{{assert_eq!(:[b].Capitalize, :[a])}}' {{.rs}}

  • Match and rewrite in-place:

comby -in-place '{{match_pattern}}' '{{rewrite_pattern}}'

  • Only perform matching and print matches:

comby -match-only '{{match_pattern}}' ""

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