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Команда zipgrep: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Find patterns in files in a ZIP archive using extended regular expression (supports ?, +, {}, () and |). More information: https://manned.org/zipgrep.

  • Search for a pattern within a ZIP archive:

zipgrep "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file.zip}}

  • Print file name and line number for each match:

zipgrep -H -n "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file.zip}}

  • Search for lines that do not match a pattern:

zipgrep -v "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file.zip}}

  • Specify files inside a ZIP archive from search:

zipgrep "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file.zip}} {{file/to/search1}} {{file/to/search2}}

  • Exclude files inside a ZIP archive from search:

zipgrep "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file.zip}} -x {{file/to/exclude1}} {{file/to/exclude2}}

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