Bring your shell with all of your customizations through SSH sessions. Note: xxh does not install anything into system directories on the target machine; removing
will clear all traces of xxh on the target machine. More information: https://github.com/xxh/xxh.
- Connect to a host and run the current shell:
xxh "{{host}}"
- Install the current shell into the target machine without prompting:
xxh "{{host}}" ++install
- Run the specified shell on the target machine:
xxh "{{host}}" ++shell {{xonsh|zsh|fish|bash|osquery}}
- Use a specific xxh configuration directory on the target machine:
xxh "{{host}}" ++host-xxh-home {{~/.xxh}}
- Use the specified configuration file on the host machine:
xxh "{{host}}" ++xxh-config {{~/.config/xxh/config.xxhc}}
- Specify a password to use for the SSH connection:
xxh "{{host}}" ++password "{{password}}"
- Install an xxh package on the target machine:
xxh "{{host}}" ++install-xxh-packages {{package}}
- Set an environment variable for the shell process on the target machine:
xxh "{{host}}" ++env {{name}}={{value}}