XMLStarlet Toolkit: Query, edit, check, convert and transform XML documents. This command also has documentation about its subcommands, e.g.
xml validate
. More information: http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/docs.php.
- Display general help, including the list of subcommands:
xml --help
- Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI, printing to stdout:
xml {{subcommand}} {{options}} {{path/to/input.xml|URI}}
- Execute a subcommand using stdin and stdout:
xml {{subcommand}} {{options}}
- Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI and output to a file:
xml {{subcommand}} {{options}} {{path/to/input.xml|URI}} > {{path/to/output}}
- Display help for a subcommand:
xml {{subcommand}} --help
- Display the version of the XMLStarlet Toolkit:
xml --version