Convert a Windows ICO file to a PAM file. More information:
- Read an ICO file and convert the best quality image contained therein to the PAM format:
winicontopam {{path/to/input_file.ico}} > {{path/to/output.pam}}
- Convert all images in the input file to PAM:
winicontopam -allimages {{path/to/input_file.ico}} > {{path/to/output.pam}}
- Convert the n'th image in the input file to PAM:
winicontopam -image {{n}} {{path/to/input_file.ico}} > {{path/to/output.pam}}
- If the image(s) to be extracted contain graded transparency data and an AND mask, write the AND mask into the fifth channel of the output PAM file:
winicontopam -andmasks {{path/to/input_file.ico}} > {{path/to/output.pam}}