Salesforce CLI is a powerful command line interface that simplifies development and build automation when working with your Salesforce org. More information: https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/salesforcecli.
- Authorize a Salesforce Organization:
sf force:auth:web:login --setalias {{organization}} --instanceurl {{organization_url}}
- List all authorized organizations:
sf force:org:list
- Open a specific organization in the default web browser:
sf force:org:open --targetusername {{organization}}
- Display information about a specific organization:
sf force:org:display --targetusername {{organization}}
- Push source metadata to an Organization:
sf force:source:push --targetusername {{organization}}
- Pull source metadata from an Organization:
sf force:source:pull --targetusername {{organization}}
- Generate a password for the organization's logged-in user:
sf force:user:password:generate --targetusername {{organization}}
- Assign a permission set for the organization's logged-in user:
sf force:user:permset:assign --permsetname {{permission_set_name}} --targetusername {{organization}}