Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда postcss: опции, ключи и примеры использования


PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. More information: https://postcss.org.

  • Parse and transform a CSS file:

postcss {{path/to/file}}

  • Parse and transform a CSS file and output to a specific file:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --output {{path/to/file}}

  • Parse and transform a CSS file and output to a specific directory:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --dir {{path/to/directory}}

  • Parse and transform a CSS file in-place:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --replace

  • Specify a custom PostCSS parser:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --parser {{parser}}

  • Specify a custom PostCSS syntax:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --syntax {{syntax}}

  • Watch for changes to a CSS file:

postcss {{path/to/file}} --watch

  • Display available options and examples:

postcss --help

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