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Команда podman-machine: опции, ключи и примеры использования

podman machine

Create and manage virtual machines running Podman. Included with Podman version 4 or greater. More information: https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-machine.1.html.

  • List existing machines:

podman machine ls

  • Create a new default machine:

podman machine init

  • Create a new machine with a specific name:

podman machine init {{name}}

  • Create a new machine with different resources:

podman machine init --cpus={{4}} --memory={{4096}} --disk-size={{50}}

  • Start or stop a machine:

podman machine {{start|stop}} {{name}}

  • Connect to a running machine via SSH:

podman machine ssh {{name}}

  • Inspect information about a machine:

podman machine inspect {{name}}

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