A tool to show, inspect and manipulate Parquet file. More information:
- Display the content of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools cat {{path/to/parquet}}
- Display the first few lines of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools head {{path/to/parquet}}
- Print the schema of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools schema {{path/to/parquet}}
- Print the metadata of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools meta {{path/to/parquet}}
- Print the content and metadata of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools dump {{path/to/parquet}}
- Concatenate several Parquet files into the target one:
parquet-tools merge {{path/to/parquet1}} {{path/to/parquet2}} {{path/to/target_parquet}}
- Print the count of rows in a Parquet file:
parquet-tools rowcount {{path/to/parquet}}
- Print the column and offset indexes of a Parquet file:
parquet-tools column-index {{path/to/parquet}}