Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда nkf: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Network kanji filter. Converts kanji code from one encoding to another.

  • Convert to UTF-8 encoding:

nkf -w {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Convert to SHIFT_JIS encoding:

nkf -s {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Convert to UTF-8 encoding and overwrite the file:

nkf -w --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Set new line code to LF and overwrite (unix type):

nkf -d --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Set new line code to CRLF and overwrite (windows type):

nkf -c --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Decrypt mime file and overwrite:

nkf -m --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}

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