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Команда nix3-flake: опции, ключи и примеры использования

nix flake

Manage Nix flakes. More information: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-flake.html.

  • See documentation about what Nix flakes are:

nix flake --help

  • Create a new flake (just the flake.nix file) from the default template, in the current directory:

nix flake init

  • Update all inputs (dependencies) of the flake in the current directory:

nix flake update

  • Update a specific input (dependency) of the flake in the current directory:

nix flake lock --update-input {{input}}

  • Show all the outputs of a flake on github:

nix flake show {{github:owner/repo}}

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