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Команда nettacker: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Automate information gathering, vulnerability scanning and eventually generate a report. More information: https://nettacker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Home/.

  • List all available modules:

nettacker --show-all-modules

  • Run a port scan on targets:

nettacker {{-m|--modules}} port_scan {{-i|--targets}} {{,owasp.org,scanme.org,...}}

  • Run a port scan on specific ports and targets listed in a file (newline separated):

nettacker {{-m|--modules}} port_scan {{-g|--ports}} {{22,80,443,...}} {{-l|--targets-list}} {{path/to/targets.txt}}

  • Run ping test before scan and then run multiple scan types on target:

nettacker --ping-before-scan {{-m|--modules}} {{port_scan,subdomain_scan,waf_scan,...}} {{-g|--ports}} {{80,443}} {{-i|--targets}} {{owasp.org}}

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