CLI utility for querying an LDAP directory.
- Query an LDAP server for all items that are a member of the given group and return the object's displayName value:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} -b {{base_ou}} '{{memberOf=group1}}' displayName
- Query an LDAP server with a no-newline password file for all items that are a member of the given group and return the object's displayName value:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -y '{{password_file}}' -h {{ldap_host}} -b {{base_ou}} '{{memberOf=group1}}' displayName
- Return 5 items that match the given filter:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} -b {{base_ou}} '{{memberOf=group1}}' -z 5 displayName
- Wait up to 7 seconds for a response:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} -b {{base_ou}} '{{memberOf=group1}}' -l 7 displayName
- Invert the filter:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} -b {{base_ou}} '(!(memberOf={{group1}}))' displayName
- Return all items that are part of multiple groups, returning the display name for each item:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} '(&({{memberOf=group1}})({{memberOf=group2}})({{memberOf=group3}}))' "displayName"
- Return all items that are members of at least 1 of the specified groups:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} '(|({{memberOf=group1}})({{memberOf=group1}})({{memberOf=group3}}))' displayName
- Combine multiple boolean logic filters:
ldapsearch -D '{{admin_DN}}' -w '{{password}}' -h {{ldap_host}} '(&({{memberOf=group1}})({{memberOf=group2}})(!({{memberOf=group3}})))' displayName