Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда josm: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Extensible OpenStreetMap editor for Java 8+. More information: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/.

  • Launch JOSM:


  • Launch JOSM in maximized mode:

josm --maximize

  • Launch JOSM and set a specific language:

josm --language {{de}}

  • Launch JOSM and reset all preferences to their default values:

josm --reset-preferences

  • Launch JOSM and download a specific bounding box:

josm --download {{minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon}}

  • Launch JOSM and download a specific bounding box as raw GPS:

josm --downloadgps {{minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon}}

  • Launch JOSM without plugins:

josm --skip-plugins

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