Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда inkmake: опции, ключи и примеры использования


GNU Makefile-style SVG exporting using Inkscape's backend. More information: https://github.com/wader/inkmake.

  • Export an SVG file executing the specified Inkfile:

inkmake {{path/to/Inkfile}}

  • Execute an Inkfile and show detailed information:

inkmake --verbose {{path/to/Inkfile}}

  • Execute an Inkfile, specifying SVG input file(s) and an output file:

inkmake --svg {{path/to/file.svg}} --out {{path/to/output_image}} {{path/to/Inkfile}}

  • Specify a custom Inkscape binary to use as the backend:

inkmake --inkscape {{/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape}} {{path/to/Inkfile}}

  • Display help:

inkmake --help

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