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Команда hydra: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Online password guessing tool. Protocols supported include FTP, HTTP(S), SMTP, SNMP, XMPP, SSH, and more. More information: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra.

  • Start Hydra's wizard:


  • Guess SSH credentials using a given username and a list of passwords:

hydra -l {{username}} -P {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} {{host_ip}} {{ssh}}

  • Guess Telnet credentials using a list of usernames and a single password, specifying a non-standard port and IPv6:

hydra -L {{path/to/usernames.txt}} -p {{password}} -s {{port}} -6 {{host_ip}} {{telnet}}

  • Guess FTP credentials using usernames and passwords lists, specifying the number of threads:

hydra -L {{path/to/usernames.txt}} -P {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -t {{n_tasks}} {{host_ip}} {{ftp}}

  • Guess MySQL credentials using a username and a passwords list, exiting when a username/password pair is found:

hydra -l {{username}} -P {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -f {{host_ip}} {{mysql}}

  • Guess RDP credentials using a username and a passwords list, showing each attempt:

hydra -l {{username}} -P {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -V {{rdp://host_ip}}

  • Guess IMAP credentials on a range of hosts using a list of colon-separated username/password pairs:

hydra -C {{path/to/username_password_pairs.txt}} {{imap://[host_range_cidr]}}

  • Guess POP3 credentials on a list of hosts using usernames and passwords lists, exiting when a username/password pair is found:

hydra -L {{path/to/usernames.txt}} -P {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -M {{path/to/hosts.txt}} -F {{pop3}}

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