A web interface and API for
, a robust, friendly plain text accounting app. More information: https://hledger.org/hledger-web.html.
- Start the web app, and a browser if possible, for local viewing and adding only:
- As above but with a specified file, and allow editing of existing data:
hledger-web --file {{path/to/file.journal}} --allow edit
- Start just the web app, and accept incoming connections to the specified host and port:
hledger-web --serve --host {{my.host.name}} --port 8000
- Start just the web app's JSON API, and allow only read access:
hledger-web --serve-api --host {{my.host.name}} --allow view
- Show amounts converted to current market value in your base currency when known:
hledger-web --value now --infer-market-prices
- Show the manual in Info format if possible:
hledger-web --info
- Display help:
hledger-web --help