hledger print
Show full journal entries, representing transactions. More information: https://hledger.org/hledger.html#print.
- Show all transactions in the default journal file:
hledger print
- Show transactions, with any implied amounts or costs made explicit:
hledger print --explicit --infer-costs
- Show transactions from two specified files, with amounts converted to cost:
hledger print --file {{path/to/2023.journal}} --file {{path/to/2024.journal}} --cost
- Show
transactions in*food*
but not*groceries*
accounts this month:
hledger print cur:\\$ food not:groceries date:thismonth
- Show transactions of amount 50 or more, with
whole foods
in their description:
hledger print amt:'>50' desc:'whole foods'
- Show cleared transactions, with
amounts rounded and with decimal commas:
hledger print --cleared --commodity '1000, EUR' --round hard
- Write transactions from
as a CSV file:
hledger print --file {{path/to/foo.journal}} --output-file {{path/to/output_file.csv}}