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Команда gocryptfs: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go. More information: https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs.

  • Initialize an encrypted filesystem:

gocryptfs -init {{path/to/cipher_dir}}

  • Mount an encrypted filesystem:

gocryptfs {{path/to/cipher_dir}} {{path/to/mount_point}}

  • Mount with the explicit master key instead of password:

gocryptfs --masterkey {{path/to/cipher_dir}} {{path/to/mount_point}}

  • Change the password:

gocryptfs --passwd {{path/to/cipher_dir}}

  • Make an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory:

gocryptfs --reverse {{path/to/plain_dir}} {{path/to/cipher_dir}}

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