Find files with SQL-like queries. More information: https://github.com/jhspetersson/fselect.
- Select full path and size from temporary or config files in a given directory:
fselect size, path from {{path/to/directory}} where name = {{'*.cfg'}} or name = {{'*.tmp'}}
- Find square images:
fselect path from {{path/to/directory}} where width = height
- Find old-school rap 320kbps MP3 files:
fselect path from {{path/to/directory}} where genre = {{Rap}} and bitrate = {{320}} and mp3_year lt {{2000}}
- Select only the first 5 results and output as JSON:
fselect size, path from {{path/to/directory}} limit {{5}} into json
- Use SQL aggregate functions to calculate minimum, maximum and average size of files in a directory:
fselect "{{MIN(size), MAX(size), AVG(size), SUM(size), COUNT(*)}} from {{path/to/directory}}"