Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда flite: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Speech synthesis engine. More information: http://www.festvox.org/flite/doc/.

  • List all available voices:

flite -lv

  • Convert a text string to speech:

flite -t "{{string}}"

  • Convert the contents of a file to speech:

flite -f {{path/to/file.txt}}

  • Specify which voice to use:

flite -voice {{file://path/to/filename.flitevox|url}}

  • Store output into a wav file:

flite -voice {{file://path/to/filename.flitevox|url}} -f {{path/to/file.txt}} -o {{output.wav}}

  • Display version:

flite --version

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