Efficient duplicate file finder and remover. More information: https://github.com/pkolaczk/fclones.
- Search for duplicate files in the current directory:
fclones group .
- Search multiple directories for duplicate files and cache the results:
fclones group --cache {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2}}
- Search only the specified directory for duplicate files, skipping subdirectories and save the results into a file:
fclones group {{path/to/directory}} --depth 1 > {{path/to/file.txt}}
- Move the duplicate files in a TXT file to a different directory:
fclones move {{path/to/target_directory}} < {{path/to/file.txt}}
- Perform a dry run for soft links in a TXT file without actually linking:
fclones link --soft < {{path/to/file.txt}} --dry-run 2 > /dev/null
- Delete the newest duplicates from the current directory without storing them in a file:
fclones group . | fclones remove --priority newest
- Preprocess JPEG files in the current directory by using an external command to strip their EXIF data before matching for duplicates:
fclones group . --name '*.jpg' -i --transform 'exiv2 -d a $IN' --in-place