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Команда dolt-config: опции, ключи и примеры использования

dolt config

Read and write local (per repository) and global (per user) Dolt configuration variables. More information: https://docs.dolthub.com/interfaces/cli#dolt-config.

  • List all local and global configuration options and their values:

dolt config --list

  • Display the value of a local or global configuration variable:

dolt config --get {{name}}

  • Modify the value of a local configuration variable, creating it if does not exist:

dolt config --add {{name}} {{value}}

  • Modify the value of a global configuration variable, creating it if does not exist:

dolt config --global --add {{name}} {{value}}

  • Delete a local configuration variable:

dolt config --unset {{name}}

  • Delete a global configuration variable:

dolt config --global --unset {{name}}

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