Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда dolt-clone: опции, ключи и примеры использования

dolt clone

Clone a repository into a new directory. More information: https://docs.dolthub.com/interfaces/cli#dolt-clone.

  • Clone an existing repository into a specific directory (defaults to the repository name):

dolt clone {{repository_url}} {{path/to/directory}}

  • Clone an existing repository and add a specific remote (defaults to origin):

dolt clone --remote {{remote_name}} {{repository_url}}

  • Clone an existing repository only fetching a specific branch (defaults to all branches):

dolt clone --branch {{branch_name}} {{repository_url}}

  • Clone a repository, using an AWS region (uses the profile's default region if none is provided):

dolt clone --aws-region {{region_name}} {{repository_url}}

  • Clone a repository, using an AWS credentials file:

dolt clone --aws-creds-file {{credentials_file}} {{repository_url}}

  • Clone a repository, using an AWS credentials profile (uses the default profile if none is provided):

dolt clone --aws-creds-profile {{profile_name}} {{repository_url}}

  • Clone a repository, using an AWS credentials type:

dolt clone --aws-creds-type {{credentials_type}} {{repository_url}}

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