A fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit to run multiple DNS queries. Note: input to
needs to be passed throughstdin
) in some cases. See also:dig
. More information: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/dnsx.
- Query the A record of a (sub)domain and show [re]sponse received:
echo {{example.com}} | dnsx -a -re
- Query all the DNS records (A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, TXT, SRV, PTR, MX, SOA, AXFR, CAA):
dnsx -recon -re <<< {{example.com}}
- Query a specific type of DNS record:
echo {{example.com}} | dnsx -re -{{a|aaaa|cname|ns|txt|srv|ptr|mx|soa|any|axfr|caa}}
- Output [r]esponse [o]nly (do not show the queried domain or subdomain):
echo {{example.com}} | dnsx -ro
- Display raw response of a query, specifying [r]esolvers to use and retry attempts for failures:
echo {{example.com}} | dnsx -{{debug|raw}} -resolver {{,,...}} -retry {{number}}
- Brute force DNS records using a placeholder:
dnsx -domain {{FUZZ.example.com}} -wordlist {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -re
- Brute force DNS records from a list of [d]omains and wordlists, appending [o]utput to a file with [n]o [c]olor codes:
dnsx -domain {{path/to/domain.txt}} -wordlist {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -re -output {{path/to/output.txt}} -no-color
- Extract
records for the given list of subdomains, with [r]ate [l]imiting DNS queries per second:
subfinder -silent -d {{example.com}} | dnsx -cname -re -rl {{number}}