Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда conda-install: опции, ключи и примеры использования

conda install

Install packages into an existing conda environment. More information: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/commands/install.html.

  • Install a single package into the currently active conda environment:

conda install {{package}}

  • Install a single package into the currently active conda environment using channel conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge {{package}}

  • Install a single package into the currently active conda environment using channel conda-forge and ignoring other channels:

conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels {{package}}

  • Install multiple packages:

conda install {{package1 package2 ...}}

  • Install a specific version of a package:

conda install {{package}}={{version}}

  • Install a package into a specific environment:

conda install --name {{environment}} {{package}}

  • Update a package in the current environment:

conda install --upgrade {{package}}

  • Install a package and agree to the transactions without prompting:

conda install --yes {{package}}

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