Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда az-storage-table: опции, ключи и примеры использования

az storage table

Manage NoSQL key-value storage in Azure. Part of azure-cli. More information: https://learn.microsoft.com/cli/azure/storage/table.

  • Create a new table in the storage account:

az storage table create --account-name {{storage_account_name}} --name {{table_name}} --fail-on-exist

  • Generate a shared access signature for the table:

az storage table generate-sas --account-name {{storage_account_name}} --name {{table_name}} --permissions {{sas_permissions}} --expiry {{expiry_date}} --https-only

  • List tables in a storage account:

az storage table list --account-name {{storage_account_name}}

  • Delete the specified table and any data it contains:

az storage table delete --account-name {{storage_account_name}} --name {{table_name}} --fail-not-exist

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