Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда aws-configure: опции, ключи и примеры использования

aws configure

Manage configuration for the AWS CLI. More information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/configure/.

  • Configure AWS CLI interactively (creates a new configuration or updates the default):

aws configure

  • Configure a named profile for AWS CLI interactively (creates a new profile or updates an existing one):

aws configure --profile {{profile_name}}

  • Display the value from a specific configuration variable:

aws configure get {{name}}

  • Display the value for a configuration variable in a specific profile:

aws configure get {{name}} --profile {{profile_name}}

  • Set the value of a specific configuration variable:

aws configure set {{name}} {{value}}

  • Set the value of a configuration variable in a specific profile:

aws configure set {{name}} {{value}} --profile {{profile_name}}

  • List the configuration entries:

aws configure list

  • List the configuration entries for a specific profile:

aws configure list --profile {{profile_name}}

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