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Команда apkleaks: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Expose URIs, endpoints, and secrets from APK files. Note: APKLeaks utilizes the jadx disassembler to decompile APK files. More information: https://github.com/dwisiswant0/apkleaks.

  • Scan an APK [f]ile for URIs, endpoints, and secrets:

apkleaks --file {{path/to/file.apk}}

  • Scan and save the [o]utput to a specific file:

apkleaks --file {{path/to/file.apk}} --output {{path/to/output.txt}}

  • Pass jadx disassembler [a]rguments:

apkleaks --file {{path/to/file.apk}} --args "{{--threads-count 5 --deobf}}"

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