A highly efficient, powerful and fast anime scraper. See also:
. More information:
- Download a specific anime:
animdl download {{anime_title}}
- Download a specific anime by specifying an episode range:
animdl download {{anime_title}} {{-r|--range}} {{start_episode}}-{{end_episode}}
- Download a specific anime by specifying a download directory:
animdl download {{anime_title}} {{-d|--download-dir}} {{path/to/download_directory}}
- Grab the stream URL for a specific anime:
animdl grab {{anime_title}}
- Display the upcoming anime schedule for the next week:
animdl schedule
- Search a specific anime:
animdl search {{anime_title}}
- Stream a specific anime:
animdl stream {{anime_title}}
- Stream the latest episode of a specific anime:
animdl stream {{anime_title}} {{-s|--special}} latest