Мануалы и справочники Общие команды

Команда ajson: опции, ключи и примеры использования


Executes JSONPath on JSON objects. More information: https://github.com/spyzhov/ajson.

  • Read JSON from a file and execute a specified JSONPath expression:

ajson '{{$..json[?(@.path)]}}' {{path/to/file.json}}

  • Read JSON from stdin and execute a specified JSONPath expression:

cat {{path/to/file.json}} | ajson '{{$..json[?(@.path)]}}'

  • Read JSON from a URL and evaluate a specified JSONPath expression:

ajson '{{avg($..price)}}' '{{https://example.com/api/}}'

  • Read some simple JSON and calculate a value:

echo '{{3}}' | ajson '{{2 * pi * $}}'

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