Мануалы и справочники Linux

Команда toolbox-create: опции, ключи и примеры использования

toolbox create

Create a new toolbox container. More information: https://manned.org/toolbox-create.1.

  • Create a toolbox container for a specific distribution:

toolbox create --distro {{distribution}}

  • Create a toolbox container for a specific release of the current distribution:

toolbox create --release {{release}}

  • Create a toolbox container with a custom image:

toolbox create --image {{name}}

  • Create a toolbox container from a custom Fedora image:

toolbox create --image {{registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-toolbox:36}}

  • Create a toolbox container using the default image for Fedora 36:

toolbox create --distro {{fedora}} --release {{f36}}

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