Steganography tool for concealing and extracting messages in text files encoded as tabs and spaces. More information:
- Extract [m]essage from file:
stegsnow {{path/to/file.txt}}
- Extract [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected [m]essage from file:
stegsnow -C -p {{password}} {{path/to/file.txt}}
- Determine approximate [S]torage capacity with line [l]ength less than 72 for file:
stegsnow -S -l 72 {{path/to/file.txt}}
- Conceal [m]essage in text from file and save to result:
stegsnow -m '{{message}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}
- Conceal message [f]ile content [C]ompressed in text from file and save to result:
stegsnow -C -f '{{path/to/message.txt}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}
- Conceal [m]essage [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected in text from file and save to result:
stegsnow -C -p {{password}} -m '{{message}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}