Мануалы и справочники Linux

Команда lrzip: опции, ключи и примеры использования


A large file compression program. See also lrunzip, lrztar, lrzuntar.

  • Compress a file with LZMA - slow compression, fast decompression:

lrzip {{filename}}

  • Compress a file with BZIP2 - good middle ground for compression/speed:

lrzip -b {{filename}}

  • Compress with ZPAQ - extreme compression, but very slow:

lrzip -z {{filename}}

  • Compress with LZO - light compression, extremely fast decompression:

lrzip -l {{filename}}

  • Compress a file and password protect/encrypt it:

lrzip -e {{filename}}

  • Override the number of processor threads to use:

lrzip -p {{8}} {{filename}}

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