Program that allows configuration of tables, chains and rules provided by the Linux kernel firewall.
- See chains and rules for specific table:
sudo iptables -t {{table_name}} -vnL
- Set chain policy rule:
sudo iptables -p {{chain}} {{rule}}
- Append rule to chain policy for IP:
sudo iptables -A {{chain}} -s {{ip}} -j {{rule}}
- Append rule to chain policy for IP considering protocol and port:
sudo iptables -A {{chain}} -s {{ip}} -p {{protocol}} --dport {{port}} -j {{rule}}
- Delete chain rule:
sudo iptables -D {{chain}} {{rule_line_number}}
- Save iptables configuration:
sudo iptables-save > {{path/to/iptables_file}}
![Изображение Шпаргалка по командам Linux, FreeBSD и MacOS](/static/img/promo/commands-linux-freebsd-macos.00ff4d3edff2.png)