
A swiss-army knife of tools for genomic-analysis tasks. Used to…


A swiss-army knife of tools for genomic-analysis tasks. Used to intersect, group, convert and count data in BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF format.

bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}

bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}

bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}

bedtools groupby -i {{path/to/file}} -c 1-3,5 -g 6 -o sum

bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file}}.bam > {{path/to/file}}.bed

bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file_1}}.bed -b {{path/to/file_2}}.bed -d

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